EVK4 Gen4.2 bias settings
Hello, I wonder how to interpret the values "bias_diff_on" and "bias_diff_of" and why it is not possible for our setup with EVK Gen4.2 to set both values to 190 and 190. Metavision3.0 allows us to set only 190 and 140. What is background of that behavior?
EVK1 GEN3.1 VGA - Pins "push pull" or "open-collector"
Hello, We want to synchronize a 2D camera with the trigger of an EVK1 GEN3.1 VGA camera. To do this we use the PIN 0 and 1 of the camera as detailed in the following link: https://support.prophesee.ai/portal/en/kb/articles/trigger-in-out We would like
EVK4 Gen4.1 bias settings
Dear Prophesee team, the new bias settings shipped with Metavision 2.3.2 comes with all bias settings in the imx636_CD_standard.bias are set to zero. Additionally, from the EVK4 documentation, there is a printout from the Metavision Intelligence Suite
Access to DominantFrequencyEventsAlgorithm class in Python
Hello, We are working with the program metavision_vibration_estimation.py and we would like to access the DominantFrequencyEventsAlgorithm class of the Analytics module in Python. We would like to redefine the use of the "min_pixel_count" parameter
DVS for Ultra high speed applications (Real time)
Dear Prophesee Team! Problem Statement: I want to process the Raw Event (X, Y, P, T) data with Delta t of 4000uS / 250 FPS in real-time. Any process (slow/fast) inside the main loop shouldn’t affect the input stream of the camera. Below is the main loop
moving between 2 targets
Hello, Using a GEN 3 EVK VGA CD and high speed mirror, we are tracking two objects at 200Hz. We use the trigger-in to mark the movement of the mirror. We try to use the triggers time information to sort the events between the two objects but we remain
RAW Files export with Python
Hello, I would like to export the video stream of the camera in RAW format with a Python code. I have noticed that none of the available ".py" code allows to save the video stream in this format. Have you already implemented this function?
calling set_mode_standalone() in metavision 2.3.2 causes funky device state
Moving from metavision 2.2.2 to 2.3.2 revealed the following issue: When calling set_mode_standalone() the device: 1) stopped giving cd callbacks 2) returned -1 for all bias parameters. How to reproduce: Insert the following line at line 220 in the apps/metavision_viewer.cpp
Controlling EVK1 with LABVIEW
Hello, We were currently using the EVK1 camera from the Windows command prompt. We would like to be able to control it via a LABVIEW environment (call the program, set parameters, start acquisition, output events). Have you already done this? If yes,
Modify "process_to" during execution
Hello, I am currently working on the Python version of metavision_vibration_estimation. When launching the executable, we can specify the argument "process_to" to define the acquisition time. Is it possible to modify the value of this variable during
Is there a way to provide a memory for the driver to write into, with openEB?
We are using openeb sdk, and we added a callback function to acquire the EventCD data like this: cam_ptr->cd().add_callback(cb) In cb, the events are copied from driver's memory to our memory. After getting enough events, we feed them to the next-step
Min contrast sensitivity of VGA CIS sensor (EVK3-VGA)
Hi! We recently acquired a EVK3-VGA and I have a question about its minimal contrast sensitivity. I am wondering what the minimal contrast sensitivity this sensor could achieve? I found there are different numbers (12% and 25%) in three references (please
Error ‘Failed to load module “canberra-gtk-module”’ when launching metavision_viewer
Using Metavision Intelligence 2.3.1, I get the error ‘Failed to load module “canberra-gtk-module”' on Ubuntu when launching metavision_viewer. How can I fix this?
What kind of extension USB cable can I use for my evk?
The cable delivered with the camera is too short for my usage but using a longer one is not reliable and my EVK is not always working properly.