3D visualization of the camera poses

3D visualization of the camera poses

Good morning, I'm working with Show Calibrated Pose after having calibrate my camera and I have a couple of questions:

1. I would as first notice that if I run
  1. show_calibrated_poses.py -e /path/intrinsics.json -m
it returns an error
  1. Traceback (most recent call last):
  2.   File "show_calibrated_poses.py", line 157, in <module>
  3.     main()
  4.   File "show_calibrated_poses.py", line 145, in main
  5.     T_cp_poses = [np.array(v["T_c_w"]) for v in fs_dico["views"]]
  6. KeyError: 'views'
how can I fix that?

2. is it possible to visualize 3D movements of the camera maintaining the target static, like in https://it.mathworks.com/help/vision/ref/showextrinsics.html ? Because I saw that the code is based on OpenCV so I guess that there is a way to do the opposite work.

3. similar to question 2, what if I would like to try to reconstruct 3D movements of my camera looking for a target (like flickering chessboard when calibrating - so show a "pattern-centric" movements)? I would like to use show_calibrated_poses.py but with video acquired later, for example to see my camera movements.. is it possible? how can I do it?

Thank you and best regards

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