Currently using camera model: SilkyEvCam VGA
Software: Openeb 4.6.0
Plug-in: SilkyEvCam_Plugin_Installer_for_ubuntu 4.6.0
Currently, openeb is compiled and the SilkyEvCam_Plugin_Installer_for_ubuntu plug-in is installed.
Using the lsusb command, the device can find the SilkyEvCam device
Bus 008 Device 003: ID 31f7:0002 CenturyArks SilkyEvCam Gen3.1 v03.09.00C
But using metavision_viewer shows that the camera cannot be found
Error 101001: Camera not found. Check that a camera is plugged on your system and retry.
I have used the two solutions so far, but the problem is still not solved. Please help, thank you!