calling set_mode_standalone() in metavision 2.3.2 causes funky device state

calling set_mode_standalone() in metavision 2.3.2 causes funky device state

Moving from metavision 2.2.2 to 2.3.2 revealed the following issue:

When calling set_mode_standalone() the device:

1) stopped giving cd callbacks
2) returned -1 for all bias parameters.

How to reproduce:

Insert the following line at line 220 in the apps/metavision_viewer.cpp example file of the metavision 2.3.2


and also include

#include <metavision/hal/facilities/i_device_control.h>

at the top of the file. This will break the metavision_viewer on 2.3.2, but not on 2.2.2.

This is on a SilkyEVCam (platform_info attached).

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