def main():
Process and convert input raw files into output mp4 videos
# Collecting necessary inputs from the user to customize the processing
raw_files = input("Raw File(s): ")
outdir = input("Output directory: ")
fps = float(input("FPS: "))
frequencies = input("Specify the frequency range separated by a comma: ").split(",")
# Extract the min and max frequencies from the user input
# Required to work with AntiFlickerAlgorithm
(min_freq, max_freq) = [int(f.strip()) for f in frequencies]
# Splitting raw file names for individual processing.
raw_files = raw_files.split(',')
# Initializing an anti-flicker algorithm to reduce visual flickering in
# the output, crucial for high-quality video output.
flicker = AntiFlickerAlgorithm(800, 600, 7, min_freq, max_freq, 15000)
# Setting up a frame generation algorithm to convert event data into frames,
# with parameters tailored to the sensor and desired video properties.
event_frame_gen = PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm(
# Choosing the MP4 format for the output video for wide compatibility
# and good balance of quality and file size.
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V')
# Processing each raw file to generate a video: the loop handles each file
# individually to create separate videos for each.
for infile in raw_files:
# Generating a unique filename for each output video,
# incorporating filtering parameters for easy identification.
outfile = path.join(outdir, path.basename(infile) +
# Setting up a video writer to save the generated frames into a video file.
video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(outfile, fourcc, fps, (800, 600))
# Linking the frame generation algorithm to the video writer
# to enable direct writing of frames.
event_frame_gen.set_output_callback(lambda _, f: video_writer.write(f))
# Loading event data from the input file,
# with a cap on the duration for processing efficiency.
it = helpers.load_evts_from_file(infile, max_duration=int(5e6))
# Integrating the flicker reduction into the frame generation process.
filtered_frame_gen = helpers.FilteredFrameGenerator(event_frame_gen, flicker)
# Iterating through the events, processing them to generate and
# write frames, ensuring efficient handling of event data.
for evs in tqdm(it):
if evs.size == 0:
continue # Skipping empty event sets
# Finalizing the video file by releasing the video writer resources.