EVT 2.1 format and examples from GenX320

EVT 2.1 format and examples from GenX320

Hi there,

I'm working on an application using the Kria KV260 starter kit and GenX320 sensor. We have the simulation IP working correctly and producing events which correspond which is great but I have two questions:
  1. Based on my understanding of https://docs.prophesee.ai/stable/data/encoding_formats/evt21.html, as the x-coordinate of EVT_NEG and EVT_POS events is "aligned on 32", their bottom 5 bits should always be zero but, in the example test pattern (https://github.com/prophesee-ai/fpga-projects/blob/main/projects/kv260/tb/tc_001/pattern/ref_evt_file.evt) this APPEARS not the case (I am using my own code to decode this as there doesn't seem to be an official EVT2.1 decoder in the style of https://github.com/prophesee-ai/openeb/blob/57c48142cb7ae7c0ac29822a362f93cccdeb2e52/standalone_samples/metavision_evt2_raw_file_decoder/metavision_evt2_raw_file_decoder.cpp). Am I misunderstanding the format somehow?
  2. The test pattern appears to be a headerless RAW file in IMX636 format (i.e. 1280x720). Are there any RAW file examples available for GenX320 (just a spinning disk or something would be ideal)? There is an HDF5 example in https://docs.prophesee.ai/stable/datasets.html but there doesn't seem to be a tool for converting from hdf5 to raw.
Thanks in advance for your help


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