Extrinsic Calibration of the Camera

Extrinsic Calibration of the Camera


I need to convert the units of measurements from pixel to meter and from pixel/sec to m/s that are the output of this code https://docs.prophesee.ai/stable/samples/modules/cv/sparse_flow_py.html?highlight=sparse

For doing that, I need to calibrate the camera that is a EVK4. I already performed the intrinsic calibration based on this page https://docs.prophesee.ai/stable/samples/modules/calibration/intrinsics.html?highlight=calibration
and I got the camera matrix.
For the blinking LEDs, can I just use a Arduino setup that has two LEDs blinking in 200 Hz and 150 Hz?

I also did not understand this part of the page: "For convenience, the LEDs can be mounted on top of cones. Regardless of the cones being used or not, all measurements should be performed on the flat surface on the ground. A global offset --y_offset_led can be used to set the proper height."
What do you mean by all the measurements should be performed on the flat surface of the ground? How can I use the --y_offset_led parameter?

Other than all of these, is there any other method that be easier to get the extrinsic parameters of the camera?

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