Hello Prophesee Team/broader community,
I am looking to accelerate a real-time tracking application of the SilkyEvCamVGA. Starting from the generic_tracking.cpp and spatter_tracking.cpp examples, it seems that I reach a hard bound at around 50fps. Beyond this point (tracker frequency/accumulation time = 20ms), the performance diverges from real time (comp time>data time). Is there an underlying reason these two examples encounter this issue?
At this point, I have tried:
1. using pre-processing filters to reduce the data into the tracker methods
2. raising biases to reduce event rates
3. decrease sleep time which was set to 20ms
4. exploring the algorithm parameter space (activation threshold, etc)
Ubuntu 22.04
MV SDK 4.4.0
For reference:
- ./metavision_spatter_tracking --stc-threshold 10000 --time 1 --processing-accumulation-time 10000 --activation-threshold 10 -b nom.bias
Counter = 0
[SDK][INFO] Time spent to process 1210 ms of data is: 2019.03 ms - ./metavision_spatter_tracking --stc-threshold 10000 --time 1 --processing-accumulation-time 20000 --activation-threshold 10 -b nom.bias
Counter = 0
[SDK][INFO] Time spent to process 3300 ms of data is: 3184.14 ms