Hello Prophesee Team,
and have used Option 1 - working from build
the test suite: ctest -C Release run without errors.
Now I want to copy one of the examples, and build it.
As guide I use
even through it is for SDK, and not OpenEB.
I copy openeb/sdk/modules/core/cpp/samples/metavision_filtering to ~/metavision_filtering,
and the commands:
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake ..
- cmake --build .
unable to build the example, because CmakeLists.txt is the metavision_filtering are not suppouse to be the top level CmakeLists.txt, and MetavisionSDK dependency are not load properly.
where is in the openeb/build/ folder I can find all library files that I need, and how to include them into the CmakeLists.txt ? Some variants that I tried also did not work.
I suspect I need find_package() and target_include_directory() commands, but what are the path and names of packages that I need to pass to them for this example or other examples?
Maybe there is an possibility to include all headers and libs, just like in the Visual Studio project settings in Windows?