Setting a ROI on GENX320MP and masking the hot pixels in that ROI

Setting a ROI on GENX320MP and masking the hot pixels in that ROI


I am trying to to mask some hot pixels in a given ROI on the GENX320 MP. I looked at this page :
I have the coordinates of the pixels i'd like to mask. But my method for masking doesn't seem to work :

I tried using the HAL Pyton SDK with the get_i_roi() and get_i_toi_pixel_mask() facilities but I can't make them work together. As a test, I defined a ROI of 2 pixels and tried to mask one of the two. The ROI of 2 pixels works fine, but when I add the mask on one of the 2 pixels, i read events from  the whole matrix (i didn't check if it was the whole matrix except the masked pixel). Here is the extract from my data recording code :
I tried switching stages #1 and # 2 in the code but in that case, the masking is ignored and i get events from the 2-pixel ROI.

As an alternative, I tried using the get_i_digital_event_mask() facility but it seems that in python the only method i can use is :

The other method would be to configure the pixels by writing in the control registers but I was wondering if there was another possible solution without using STC filters or bias tunnig ?


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