Stage as class member

Stage as class member

Hello, Prophesee Team!
Small question, I have searched all examples, and everywhere you have:

  1. Metavision::Pipeline p(true);
  2. auto &cam_stage =
  3.         p.add_stage(std::make_unique<Metavision::CameraStage>(std::move(camera), ebd_ms));

but how would you properly have reference or pointer to Stage as member of class for later calls ?

something like this:

  1. class MetaPipeline
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. MetaPipeline(){
  5. p_ = std::make_unique<Metavision::Pipeline>(true);
  6. }
  7. void AddStages(){
  8. cam_stage_ = p_->add_stage(std::make_unique<Metavision::CameraStage>(std::move(cam), opt_.event_buffer_duration_ms));
  9. }
  10. std::unique_ptr <Metavision::Pipeline> p_;
  11. Metavision::CameraStage & cam_stage_;
  12. }

function "Metavision::CameraStage::operator=(Metavision::CameraStage &)" (declared implicitly) cannot be referenced -- it is a deleted function

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