Prophesee Reference Design Kits

Prophesee RDKs

Along with the various Evaluation Kits, we have a catalog of Reference Design Kits (RDK) leveraging our sensors.  Those RDKs allows our customer to accelerate their custom development to build their own USB camera (RDK3) or smart camera (RDK2). If you want information about those RDKs, please contact our sales team.

In addition to our RDKs, we also offer a range of embedded starter kits, including FPGA- and MCU-based development platforms, designed for prototyping and developing embedded systems and applications. For more details, please visit our dedicated page.

More specifically, the RDK2 is being replaced by the AMD Kria KV260 Starter Kit, which serves as the updated technical platform for developing smart camera solutions, offering enhanced compatibility and performance for vision-based applications.

Once you will have acquired an RDK, you will be granted access a Knowledge Center section where will found harware files (e.g. design files, board schematics, BOM etc.), firmware source code and documentation related to your RDK:
  1. RDK2 Gen4.1
  2. RDK2 IMX636
  3. RDK3 Gen3.1
  4. RDK3 Gen4.1
  5. RDK3 GenX320 COB
  6. RDK3 GenX320 CM2
  7. RDK3 IMX636

Some RDKs can not be used as EVKs to stream data from USB. For example, RDK2 is meant to be used to build embedded/smart camera, hence events should be processed internally instead of being sent to the USB. More details can be found in RDK TRMs.

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