Prophesee Event-Based Vision Knowledge Center

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    • Most Discussed Topics

    • ROS node with standard CPU architecture

      Hello, I am trying to use the EVK4 to make a ROS node for a larger system. I am looking to build the ROS node on a PC with a traditional x86 Intel-i7 processor. I saw on the ROS node website (GitHub - prophesee-ai/prophesee_ros_wrapper: ROS driver for
    • Deciding between EVK4 and Kria starter kit.

      Hello Prophesee Support team, We are trying to purchase the IMX636 sensor, but are deciding between EvK4 and AMD kria kit. I am concerned whether there would be more complications with the kia kit. - Are there any limitations for using the AMD kria kit
    • Installation of free Metavision sdk 4.6.2

      metavision-sdk-analytics-bin : Depends: libopencv-core4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg) but it is not installable Depends: libopencv-highgui4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg) but it is not installable Depends: libopencv-imgproc4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg) but it is not installable Depends:
    • EVK4 HD Evaluation KIt

      Hello Prophesee Support, I have following questions regarding EVK4-HD. 1. Does you provide Lens with EVK4-HD kit purchase? 2. Can you provide 3D CAD model of the lens ? Regards, Nikunj
    • EVK1 VGA is not seen by metavision studio 3.1

      I have EVK1 VGA camera, one of the old ones, I also installed metaviison_sdk 3.1 beucase it is latest version that supports that cameras, but when I click open camera i get only "No Prophesee cameras available, please check that a camera is connected