Verifying the Output of Extrinsic Calibration
Hello, I follow the steps in this website The output of the Position of the camera with regard to world coordinate frame gave me X: 0.62…
Real-Time Values to MATLAB
Hello, I am using metavision_generic_tracking and was planning to send the data of pixel location to another program, in this case MATLAB. I would like to know if there is like any plug-ins or extensions available, so that i can send the data in real
Readout saturation definition
Hi, is it correct to say that read saturation is a combined effect between event rate and number of active rows in the image? I have done an experiment with different lighting conditions and speeds and I find that improving the lighting conditions, the
Cutting the RAW videos
Hello, I want to cut the raw videos into shorter samples. How can I do it using Python? I could find this link but it is working in C++. Is there any Python code that does the same?
How to make sensor to ULP mode with GEN320 EVK?
I read the datasheet, and find ULP_ENB and ULP_RST to set sensor to ULP mode, but I don't know where the pins on the evk. Can you tell me if there any way to ULP mode?
Generate Event Frame with sliding moving window
Hi, Is there a function that can create a sliding window for event generation? I understand that using OnDemandFrameGenerator only allows for a fixed time window, which cannot be set to overlap. Is there another way to achieve this? Thanks!
Using the IMX636 + MIPI CSI-2 with Jetson Orin instead of AMD Kria
Does anyone have experience making this work? - Device tree looks like it's available here: - I'm curious if there's a driver available for the Jetson, and if not, if anybody has tips to write one for
fisheye lens for EVK4 camera
Hi, We have procured a EVK4 camera. We were looking for fish eye lens that is compatible with EVK camera. Can you please recommend/suggest few of them.
Redirect all Metavision Error messages
Hello, I am trying to redirect all Metavision error messages from console, to spdlog logger, which is set up to log both in console and file. Metavision::Camera has a add_runtime_error_callback, but that would work only for the camera error. camera_.add_runtime_error_callback([](const
Extrinsic Calibration of the Camera
Hello, I need to convert the units of measurements from pixel to meter and from pixel/sec to m/s that are the output of this code For doing that, I need to calibrate
Color temperature of light source for electro-optical caratersitics of GENX320
Hello, I'm trying to measure the electro-optical caracteristics of my GENX320 sensor in the same conditions as the datasheet indicates. For the light source, the datasheet indicates : When you look at the wavelength associated to this color temperature
metavision_time_surface The delay problem is about 3 seconds. As time increases, the delay increases.
The delay problem is about 3 seconds. As time increases, the delay increases. There is a huge delay in capturing images.
ROI of the raw event data
Dear Sir or Madam, Greetings! I am trying to use event camera to build data set. And I want to reduce the memory size of the event data by restricting the ROI. I use the following command to set the ROI. The problem is that it seems the area out of the
Problems using SilkyEvCam VGA on ARM RK3588 development board.
Currently using camera model: SilkyEvCam VGA Software: Openeb 4.6.0 Plug-in: SilkyEvCam_Plugin_Installer_for_ubuntu 4.6.0 Currently, openeb is compiled and the SilkyEvCam_Plugin_Installer_for_ubuntu plug-in is installed. Using the lsusb command, the device
Inquiry about Temporal Resolution and Latency Measurement for EVK4 HD Camera
I was reviewing the technical specifications of the EVK4 HD camera(imx 636 sensor) and noticed that it states the camera has a temporal resolution equivalent to >10k fps. I have a couple of questions regarding this specification: Measurement of Temporal
How to synchronize the event-based camera and the frame-based camera
I am using the IMX646 sensor. And how can I synchronize the event camera and the grayscale camera? Looking forward to your reply.
Why do some pixels keep outputting negative events?
Hi, when I lower the bias_diff_off value (to less than 0), some pixels are always outputting negative events in all rendered frames. In other words, these pixels are always displayed as light blue and no longer change. But positive events are displayed
How to calculate the threshold
Hello, I have a few questions that are a bit confusing. ● What does the "factory default" in the figure mean? Is the calculation of the positive threshold: factory default + bias_diff_on (%)? ● If not, How can I get the specific positive and negative
How does Bias work?
Hello. My sensor is IMX646. And I want to know how the comparator's positive and negative threshold values change after adjusting the bias_diff_off and bias_diff_on values?
Questions about biases
Hello, I have learned that bias_diff_off, bias_diff_on, bias_fo, bias_hpf, bias_refr have no physical units, they are just numbers that represent the deviations. I can get the absolute deviation values of each parameter from Figure 1. But I still have
IMX636 pixel reset
Hello, I would like to know how to set the reset function to a fixed time,there is an example in the IMX636 productspeification which inputting an approximately 3 ms reset pulse from the TDRSTN pin. And, here's the code I added in the metavision_vie
EVK4 sparking curve under different ambient light
Do you have similar probability curves for EVK4 cameras?(To be honest, I can't find out which of your web pages I saw this picture on……)
Maximum temporal resolution of the PPS3MVCD sensor
The datasheet the PPS3MVCD sensor states that the pixel latency is nominally 100μs. According to support, this latency is due to the processing that occurs on the chip and the speed of transfer supported by the USB interface. The pixel delay is nominally
Max speed for tracker
Hello Prophesee Team/broader community, I am looking to accelerate a real-time tracking application of the SilkyEvCamVGA. Starting from the generic_tracking.cpp and spatter_tracking.cpp examples, it seems that I reach a hard bound at around 50fps. Beyond
Asking for Probabilistic trigger curve
The trigger of the event camera depends on the change of light intensity, so is it related to the ambient light intensity? What is the probability of different contrast triggering events under different ambient light?
Higher Bias_off more OFF events?
Hi, I would like to know why if we increase the value of the OFF contrast threshold (Bias_off) we end up having more OFF events instead of less. What I understand is that if we increase the threshold is going to be harder to trigger an event but in this
Sensor electro-optical performances
Hello, Were the hot pixels masked or taken into account in the measuring of the electro-optical performances of the GENX320 (for example for the S-curve) ? Cheers, Michael
How to use the hot pixel detection code
Hi, I'd like to use the active pixel detection algorithm from the sdk ( When the code is runnig, do i need to have a specific light stimulus for the sensor ? Cheers,
Setting a ROI on GENX320MP and masking the hot pixels in that ROI
Hi, I am trying to to mask some hot pixels in a given ROI on the GENX320 MP. I looked at this page : I have the coordinates of the pixels i'd like to mask. But
Metavision studio stops recording when I use reset signal on EVK3's TDRSTn pad
Hello, I'm following the procedure from the GENX320 datasheet for square light stimulation of the sensor for electro-optical caracterization : I generate a reset pulse on the EVK3's TDRSTn pad. When I start an acquisition, Metavision studio screen freezes
[SDK][ERROR] 0:1(10): error: GLSL ES 3.10 is not supported.
I am trying to run the example script in linux on a .raw file I have collected. When I try to run the example, I get the following error messages. Online I found a recommendation to use "export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3"
HDF5 & Raw file play time differnece
If I "simply" convert the Raw file into an HDF5 file without any cutting and turn these two on with the metavision player, I could see that the "total playtime" changes, and the "position of objects in both files at the same time zone" changes as in the
Error reading an HDF5 in python (MacOS)
When trying to read an HDF5 (converted from a RAW recording) using the h5py library I have the following error: OSError: Can't read data (required filter 'HDF ECF filter; see' is not registered) Here
What are the voltages in the LPF and HPF exactly indicating?
Hello and good day, For Gen3.1 sensors I know that the high-pass and low-pass filters' values are indicated in mV. This voltage is exactly from which part of the sensor and changing them makes what changes in the circuit? Is there a schematic diagram
Issues in Software Development Based on SDK
Hello, I have developed a software application based on the Metavision SDK. It runs correctly on my development machine, but on another computer without the SDK installed, camera-related functions do not work despite copying the necessary DLLs. When I
Metavision studio video cutting time
I'm trying to cut the raw file to the length I want using Metavision Studio, but the problem arises here. When I specify the length I want (for example, 2s), most of the time it gives me a value that doesn't match, like 2.003s or 1.973s. I guess this
Metavision Studio installation
I recently installed Metavision Studio on my Windows system, but I'm encountering two errors when trying to run the application: The first error states: "Windows doesn't find \share\metavision\apps\metavision_studio\internal\client\Metavision studio."
EVT2.1 format
Hello, I'm trying to understand how the EVT 2.1 format works on GENX320. In order to do so, I generated 2 light edges (positive then negative) with a contrast well above the threshold value. The generated .RAW file should contain data with a sequence
Open recording in repeat mode
Hello, Is there a way to open a recording in a repeat mode? It could be an argument in the Metavision::Camera::from_file(), but it isn't.
Optical Flow Center-X and Center-Y always 0
I'm running into a strange problem where I am trying to process the optical flow of data and plot their position over time using the center_x and center_y values. For some reason, the center_x and center_y values are all essentially zero with some floating
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