EVK1 VGA is not seen by metavision studio 3.1
I have EVK1 VGA camera, one of the old ones, I also installed metaviison_sdk 3.1 beucase it is latest version that supports that cameras, but when I click open camera i get only "No Prophesee cameras available, please check that a camera is connected
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'metavision_sdk_stream'
I have an EVK4 and I am trying to interact with the camera using Python. I have installed the SDK according to the instructions on this page (https://docs.prophesee.ai/stable/installation/windows.html) but when I create/activate the venv, Python can import
Deciding between EVK4 and Kria starter kit.
Hello Prophesee Support team, We are trying to purchase the IMX636 sensor, but are deciding between EvK4 and AMD kria kit. I am concerned whether there would be more complications with the kia kit. - Are there any limitations for using the AMD kria kit
Extrinsic Calibration Reference Point
Hello everyone, I am currently performing an extrinsic calibration with the EVK4 HD and would like to validate the results of my translation. I have already been able to measure the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) directions in a CAD model or directly
Re-extract bias file
Hello, I left a message because I have a problem. I know that when I shoot, raw files and bias files come out. But I accidentally deleted the bias file, so only the raw file remains. At this time, is there a way to find out the bias setting value again
EVK4 HD Evaluation KIt
Hello Prophesee Support, I have following questions regarding EVK4-HD. 1. Does you provide Lens with EVK4-HD kit purchase? 2. Can you provide 3D CAD model of the lens ? Regards, Nikunj
Installation of free Metavision sdk 4.6.2
metavision-sdk-analytics-bin : Depends: libopencv-core4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg) but it is not installable Depends: libopencv-highgui4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg) but it is not installable Depends: libopencv-imgproc4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg) but it is not installable Depends:
ROS node with standard CPU architecture
Hello, I am trying to use the EVK4 to make a ROS node for a larger system. I am looking to build the ROS node on a PC with a traditional x86 Intel-i7 processor. I saw on the ROS node website (GitHub - prophesee-ai/prophesee_ros_wrapper: ROS driver for
Possible acquisition problems with stripes and misalignment
Hello everyone, I've been experiencing some strange behavior with the visualization of events. The sensor model is EVK4. I have two devices, and both exhibit the same behavior. Specifically, I notice several shifted bands across the image, almost as if
Bad x320 firmware? Driver development for Raspberry Pis
After a few weeks of playing around, our Genx320 can talk over i2c to a Raspberry Pi 5, but apparently not over MIPI/CSI2. This involved creating a device tree overlay, modifying the Linux drivers open sourced by Prophesee, patching v4l2 utils, compiling
Win 11 Metavision 4.6.2 cmake "Could NOT find TIFF" error
Hello, I am trying to install Metavision on Windows 11 and compile the metavision_viewer. With the Metavision 4.6.2, I got this error after the command: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release CMake Error at C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.31/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:233
EVT 2.1 format and examples from GenX320
Hi there, I'm working on an application using the Kria KV260 starter kit and GenX320 sensor. We have the simulation IP working correctly and producing events which correspond which is great but I have two questions: Based on my understanding of https://docs.prophesee.ai/stable/data/encoding_formats/evt21.html,
Meta studio keeps a blank tab in front of the camera livestream
Whenever I try to use metavision studio with the EVK4 camera, the tab shown in the figure stays in front of the main interface, even when I try to minimize it most of the time. Sometimes minimizing works but even then I am unable to use any of the buttons
KeyError: np.uint32(50000)
Hello, when I was using the Python inference pipeline for detection and tracking, an error "KeyError: np.uint32(50000)" occurred. The specific situation is shown in the screenshot below. This is the same whether I'm using the driving_sample dataset or
How to Improve Video Clarity and Edge Definition for Hand Movement with EVK4 in Indoor Lighting?
Hello, I'm currently working with the EVK4 and I'm trying to improve the clarity of the videos it captures, specifically making the edges of moving objects, like fingers, more defined. I've been experimenting with various parameters, but haven't been
Raw data capture in KV260-IMX636 sensor not decoding with metavision-viewer
Hi, We have imx636 mipi event camera sensor running in KV260 board and it is running with metavision_viewer app. But when we replay the raw data captured with metavision_viewer app, first it is not able to decode. Throws missing format error. Next added
Use the trigger interface to collect, and open the collected RAW files with metasion software. There is a freeze on the screen. How can I eliminate it? Thank you!
External trigger source 1MZ, logic analyzer test results RAW file trigger information 3、When opening RAW files through METAVISON software, the screen keeps getting stuck, and the effect is as shown in the attachment. 4.problem 4.1. Want to know how to
LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR after running for sometime
Camera: EVK4 Environment: Ubuntu2204, OpenEB 4.6.2, libusb 1.0.0 Problem: We are running USB camera for long time but sometimes get the following messages. [HAL][ERROR] ErrTransfert [HAL][ERROR] LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR [HAL][ERROR] ErrTransfert [HAL][ERROR]
Data Collection Issues
I want to use a Python script to simultaneously control the real-time display and acquisition of event data and frame camera data from the same scene. When I use dual threading, the event stream thread displays and saves normally, but the frame camera
Load intrinsic and extrinsic parameters into the EVK4 using Python
Hello everyone, I have recently been working on a project where I use the EVK4 event-based camera along with a regular RGB camera to capture two types of data simultaneously. To ensure that the view and surface of the objects we shoot remain consistent,
Pre-trained Model
I want to implement event stream based object detection and tracking, I noticed that the official documentation mentions pre-trained models, what algorithms it uses and what datasets it is trained on, where to download pre-trained models
Contrast threshold IMX 636
Hello, I've been watching this video (Metavision Training Videos | Introduction to Event-Based Vision Sensor) to understand the definition of contrast threshold. They mentioned that IMX 636 sensor uses a log definition of contrast but I haven't found
Graphical User Interface for synchronized recording of Events and frames.
Hello everyone, I am currently working on a project in which a hardware trigger between the EVK 4 and an industrial camera is used to record events and images in a synchronized manner. The focus here is on ease of use. The aim is to create a GUI that
adding a hardware IR cutoff filter in EVK4
Hello Prophesee and community, we would like to record in an environment which is contaminated by "IR flickering light". So we plan to add an IR cutoff filter into EVK4 (HD). Similar to the description for EVK1 here: https://support.prophesee.ai/portal/en/kb/articles/inserting-filter
Xorg blank screen issue: Kria + IMX636
I am trying to run the kv260-psee application by using the HDMI connected between Kria and a display monitor. Following the instructions at https://docs.prophesee.ai/amd-kria-starter-kit/application/app_deployment.html I could power on the sensor but
Frequency / bias value matching table
Hi, I just found this table that relates bias_hpf and bias_fo in terms of high-pass cut-off frequency and Low-pass cut-off frequency but this is for GEN 3.1. Can you please share the table or the graphs (https://support.prophesee.ai/portal/en/kb/articles/bias-tuning-flow)
Timestamp of triggers
Dear all, I followed your documentation page to successfully record a RAW file with external trigger events using a wave generator. My question is about the exact function call from which the time is calculated in your example. When the time counter is
get_pixel_dead_time() erroring out on Gen4.1 EVK3-HD
I get the following error when trying to get pixel dead time for my EVK3-HD Gen4.1: Metavision HAL exception Error 104000. Has anyone experienced this or alternatively knows the dead time with default parameters?
Hello, Where can I get the description/example of this please?
Camera sensor check
Hi Prophesee team, I want to find a sensor data sheet for our camera RDK2 IMX636. Could you please help me give me some information about it? Best regards, Yugang
question about python sample
I want to use the python sample "metavision_simple_recorder.py" to control the acquisition of event stream.The first problem is that when I want to use r to control the collection and stopping of event streams, I must ensure that the visualization interface
Inference Pipeline of Detection and Tracking using C++ not working when using live camera
I tried running the C++ detection and tracking sample as described here while using the live camera instead of a prerecorded file, but the camera doesn't seem to detect or classify any moving vehicles or pedestrians. I will only see bounding boxes get
Redirect all Metavision Error messages
Hello, I am trying to redirect all Metavision error messages from console, to spdlog logger, which is set up to log both in console and file. Metavision::Camera has a add_runtime_error_callback, but that would work only for the camera error. camera_.add_runtime_error_callback([](const
Understanding the relationship between bias settings and intensity
Greetings, I have an IMX636 sensor. I understand from this question (https://support.prophesee.ai/portal/en/community/topic/questions-about-biases) that the specific relation between the change in intensity of the incident light needed to trigger an event
IMX 636 conference proceedings
Hello, Is this proceedings conference document ''5.10 A 1280×720 Back-Illuminated Stacked Temporal Contrast Event-Based Vision Sensor with 4.86µm Pixels, 1.066GEPS Readout, Programmable Event-Rate Controller and Compressive Data-Formatting Pipeline |
Fixed number events per callback
Hello, I have expanded upon the HAL example functionality for custom applications. From my own characterization of the code, it seems with a sufficient amount of event activity that there is a fixed amount of 320 events per callback (i_cddecoder callback).
Why does frequency have to vary to measure LLCo and HLCO
Hello, I'm trying to measure the dynamic range of the GENX320 sensor. In the datasheet v1, the test conditions of the measurement are as follows : I was wondering why frequency had to vary between 2.5 Hz and 80 Hz? Cheers, Michael
S-Curve : why does pixel response probability go above 100% for GENX320 and not for IMX636 ?
Hello, I measured S-Curves for the IMX636 and the GENX320 and found that above a certain contrast value, pixel reponse probability values go above 100% for GENX320 and saturate at 100% for IMX636 . I saw you have a note on hot pixels for the GENX320.
Questions about 3d model tracking
Hello, I'm learning to use the metavision_model_3d_tracking program. Because the 3d model should be in JSON format, I have questions about this data format. The program needs an "object_init_pose.json" file and an "object.json" file. However, if I convert
Can I record only OFF events from hardware?
Hi, There are some variables of the hardware that we can control with Metavision studio, for example the bias and the ROI. Can I control the type of events that I want to record? Because in my specific case I only need to process the OFF events, but the
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